La Martina deploys Mapp Cloud platform

La Martina, an Italian brand specialising in polo clothing, has chosen the Mapp Cloud platform to improve communication with customers across its digital channels.

Mapp designed a two-step plan for La Martina. The first objective was to replicate the data flows gained from its physical stores to those from e-commerce sales, in order to create a single view of the customer and achieve continuity across the existing communication plan. 

This project was completed in two weeks, allowing the brand to run its customised newsletters and marketing automation programmes through the new platform, replacing the CRM and marketing cloud used previously.

In the second part, La Martina will boost its existing marketing programmes with insights based on customer data. This includes the real-time personalisation of the browsing experience on the brand’s website; and the sharing of content and customised discounts via its newsletter and marketing automation programmes, based on customer lifetime value,

Alessandro Milia, Head of Global Omnichannel, La Martina, comments: "We were able to replicate the data already in our possession on the new platform in a very short time and we have started basic intelligence activities for successful digital marketing.”

“We developed a welcome programme dedicated to customers, with the integration of a unique couponing system and a multilingual landing page to collect and stimulate subscription to the newsletter. We also implemented a programme to improve the ‘abandoned cart’, with the integration of Hybris.”

“The more organisational and strategic part of the project was flanked by training sessions carried out by Mapp's Italian account management and customer success team, aimed at training our omnichannel marketing team and our agency,” he concludes.

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