McDonald’s on Xanax: Boxpark boss Roger Wade blasts self-service kiosks

Roger Wade, CEO and Founder at UK-based retail and food park firm Boxpark, has taken to LinkedIn to criticise McDonald’s and its roll-out of in-store self-service kiosks.

“Does anyone else dislike the kiosks at McDonald’s?” he asked.

“Companies need to prioritise customer service over technology. Technology for technology’s sake!”

He added: “I miss the buzz of face to face customer service, shouting orders and flipping burgers. It’s now replaced by a sterile technological world. McDonald’s on Xanax. The founders would turn in their graves!”

Amen to that!

Blasting Boris Johnson

Last week, Wade published a LinkedIn post in which he slammed PM Boris Johnson and his fellow Brexiteers for feeding the British public “a pack of lies”.

Wade was responding to an article, published in the Sunday Express, in which Johnson claimed that, as a result of leaving the EU, Britain has taken back control of its money and its borders and installed a points based system for immigration.

It has also taken back control of its laws, he stated.

“We took back the sovereign right of the British people to determine their own future in Parliament,” Johnson wrote.

“The Remainiacs and Remoaners and Rejoiners didn’t like it then and they don’t like it now. You don’t have to look hard to spot them. Some quietly plotting in dark corners of Westminster.”

“Others spewing hashtags across social media as they sneer at readers of the Sunday Express and many millions of Brits with whom they disagree.”

“Still more camped outside Downing Street, bellowing through megaphones at bemused tourists and long suffering police officers. But the British people put their faith in me to get the job done.”

“And as I prepare to leave this fantastic job after three years at No 10 I’m proud to say that’s exactly what I did, with Brexit and so much more besides.”

Wade responded: “Do people actually believe this ‘We took back control’ bullshit? We never lost control.

“We were at the heart of the largest economic trading block and had the fastest growing economy in the G8. Now we are Little Britain with the slowest economy with the exception of Russia.”

“There were never any economic or political benefits from Brexit. We were all sold a pack of lies by Bojo and his cronies. We need to stop this madness and take back control of our economy and rejoin the European Union.”

Are you Team Johnson or Team Wade? And do you agree with Wade’s thoughts on the self-service kiosks at McDonald’s? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.